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The Illness Experience of the Male Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients During the Early Postoperative Period


本研究為描述性質性研究,探討男性肝癌患者手術後初期之疾病經驗。著者照護接受手術治療的七位男性肝癌患者,再由四個時段(手術後一週、出院日、手術後2~3個月、及手術後4~5個月)做深度訪談,將訪談的錄音資料寫成敘述性文字,以內容分析法,歸納其疾病經驗,予歸類及命名。 量化計質資料,共得3863個行為單元。其疾病經驗為治療經驗佔51.5%及身體經驗佔48.5%。治療經驗中,有關疾病特性佔20.3%、疾病預防佔16.8%、治療過程佔14.4%;身體經驗中,提到社會功能佔17.5%、身體功能佔16.7%、身體感覺佔9.3%及身體結構佔5.0%。其疾病經驗會因術後不同時段而變化:第一時段以疾病特性(25.2%)及治療過程(17.2%)居多,第二、三時段皆以社會功能(20.4%、22.5)及身體功能(18.8%、16.8%)居多,第四時段以疾病預防(27.6%)及疾病特性(23.0%)的經驗居多。 本結果可供臨床照護之參考,協助護理人供患者適當的訊息及支持。


肝癌 手術 疾病經驗 護理

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to explore the illness experience of seven male patients diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma during their early postoperative period. The study design was a descriptive qualitative opproach. The nurse-resarcher took part of nursing care process while the seven patients were in the hospital. In-depth interviews were conducted at four different periods: one week after surgery, hospital discharge day, 2-3 months after surgery, and 4-5 months after surgery. Tape record was used with patients’ permission during the interviews. The data of tape record was then transcribed into narrative form of process recordings. By means of content analysis. The illness experience was identified and analyzed. After quantifying the qualitative data, 3863 behavior units were inductively coded. There were two major categories of the illness experience: treatment experience (51.5%) and body experience (48.5%). The foci of the treatment experience were disease characteristics (20.3%), disease prevention (16.8%), and health care procedure (14.4%). The foci of these body experience were social function (17.5%), body function (16.7%), body sensation (9.3%), and body structure (5.0%). The illness experience of the patients experience of the patients varied at four different interviewed periods. The top two foci of the illness experience were disease characteristics (25.2%) and health care procedure (17.2%) in the period Ⅰ; social function (20.4%) and body function (18.8%) in the period Ⅱ ; social function (22.5%) and body function (16.8%) in the period Ⅲ ; disease prevention (27.6%) and disease characteristics (23.0%) in the period Ⅳ. The results of this study may serve as a guide for nurses caring for male patients recovering from surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma.

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