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Living with Intentionality: Preservation Strategies of People with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan



目的:在國內人類免疫缺乏病毒(HIV)陽性反應者與後天免疫缺乏症候群(AIDS)患者(以下簡稱患者)人數日漸增加,而醫療專業人員所需要的服務。而醫療專業八實勢必面臨激增的患者醫療需求的情境下,醫療人員有必要熟悉患者的觀點以提供患者所需的服務。國內AIDS的相關研究一向以生物醫學研究及醫療人員對AIDS的知識及態度為主導,本研究之目的為探討患者於疾病過程中所採用之健康維護策略以開啟國內對患者主觀經驗的瞭解。材科與方法:本研究乃採質性研究中現象學之觀點以探討患者之觀點。資料收集的方式乃以開放性問題進行深度訪談,每個訪談的內容均以錄音帶記錢而後謄寫成文字稿以確保資料之完整性,並以開放性譯碼的方式分析資料。結果:本研究的14位男性患者,其平均年齡為35.71歲,而其得知自已為HIV陽性反應的期間平均為24.9個月,研究結果顯示患者使用一系列的健康維護策略以強化他們因應HIV/AIDS 所引發的多重壓力,患者的健康維護策略包括:接受疾病及治療、淡化身體症狀及疾病之嚴重度、維持健康的生活型態、抱持治癒的希望、運用意志力、直昇華的觀點及利他的想法和貼為。結論:此本土化研究期能促進醫療人員對患者觀術的瞭解,本研究結果可作為設計相關措施的基礎,進而促進患者因應疾病之能力。(慈濟醫學 1999; 11:321-328)

Parallel abstracts

Objective: With the prospect of increasing numbers of patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), healthcare professionals need to be better informed about patients’ perspectives in order to provide efficacious, compassionate, and efficient care. In Taiwan, the biomedical research and healthcare professionals’ perspectives have dominated research related to HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the study was to investigate the preservation strategies used by people with HIV-AIDS, which have, thus far, been unexplored. Materials and methods: This study used a phenomenological approach to gain insight into patients’ preservation strategies. In-depth, openended interviews were used to collect data. Interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim to maintain data integrity and to reduce perceptual bias. The open coding procedure was used to analyze the interview transcripts. Results: Study participants were 14 male patients with an average age of 35.71years, who had known their positive HIV status for an average of 24.9 months. Study participants used a set of preservation strategies to enhance their strength in coping with multiple stressors related to HIV-AIDS. Thee preservation strategies included acceptance of the illness and treatment, being light-hearted about physical symptoms and the illness, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and hope for a cure, use of willpower and transforming reflections, and altruistic thoughts and behavior. Conclusions: This indigenous study facilitate professionals’ in having a better understanding of patients’ perspectives that might be encountered in healthcare settings. The findings of this study from a basis for healthcare professionals to design appropriate interventions to educate patients for adaptive success.(Tzu Chi Med J 1999; 11:321-328)
