  • 期刊


Issues in Urban Landscape Visual Simulation with Computers


視覺模擬被應用於建築與都市景觀設計、規劃與研究上已有時日。應用電腦視覺模擬有助於研究環境體驗與實質環境屬性的互動關係與動態特質。而應用都市三維數位模型與網際網路以提供規劃設計者與民眾一個共通的視覺溝通工具,可以幫助了解都市景觀之特質與都市設計之程序,也瞭解都市動態發展與未來可能之變化。就都市發展之觀點而言,記錄都市空間之發展有助於瞭解與預測發展變化。 本研究以都市景觀電腦視覺模擬作為研究方向,探討相關之課題。本研究包括都市模型建構與觀察二部份:第一部份以台南市中心區為範圍,運用數位地圖建立現階段台南市的三維電腦模型。而運算速度與模擬範圍或模型中物件數量有直接關係。都市空間量體之抽象化程度與精確度須配合都市量體之尺度,因此將比較其運算效能與觀察效果。第二部份為都市觀察,依照第一部份建立之都市模型作為觀察之基礎,以都市設計中的四種範圍(都市更新、道路景觀、開放空間、與地標),抽樣分析其空間特性,並探討電腦視覺模擬對於都市設計審議之配合與功能。因此,本研究所分析的案例與課題,以及所定義的模擬程序與特性,將可幫助未來應用電腦視覺模擬輔助都市設計發展之定位。


Visual simulation is used for architectural and urban simulation for a period of time. Recently, applying computers to visual simulation for experiencing spaces become easier. Meanwhile, urban 3D digital models provide planners and people a visual communication tool, which can help better understanding of the characters of urban landscape, urban design procedures, and also the future development. This research is aimed to study the issues of computer simulation in urban modeling, and two parts are undertaken: (1) the first part is to construct the 3D model of the Tainan city based on urban digital maps, and study of the issues of creating urban models, such as evaluation of the level of abstraction and accuracy of artifacts in urban spaces; (2) based on the first part, the second part is to observe typical urban spaces including urban renewal areas, scenic roads, open space, and landmark buildings, and examine the feasibility of applying urban landscape visual simulation to assist urban design. In conclusion, the case studies, the defined simulation procedure and the issues examined from this study will facilitate future urban development with computer simulation.


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柯美如(2014)。不同牆面色調與家具配色組合對使用者的視覺感覺及情緒之研究 -以牙醫診所候診空間為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410185860
