  • 期刊


Exploring the Impacts of Regional Rainfall on Rainwater Utilization of Taipei Elementary Schools


台灣白西元2000年推動綠建築策略,並以「水資源指標」制定節水設施量,次於2003年修訂量化之「替代性水資源設計」,並以臺灣地理分區為降雨利用基礎,然以單一降雨資料作為台北區自來水替代量參考,是否完全因應台北盆地之地型變化特殊性,將影響降雨差異與設計雨水替代率。 本研究以臺北市國小校園穩定而龐大的需水量為探討對象,利用中央氣象局於區內設置之氣象站分析區域降雨特性,提出台北市小區域降雨型態對應校地面積之集雨量差異,次依校園需水因子進行用水量分析,探討台北市國小校園對雨水供應面及需求面之利用影響,以期提供未來學校進行相關設施之規劃參攷。


The Taiwanese government gave an impetus to the 'Green Building Promotion' movement in the year 2000, and set the 'Water Resource Norm' to increase water conservation in building facilities. Furthermore, in 2003, the norm was changed to the 'Water-Resource-Substitution Design' act to reflect the conception of utilizing rain as a secondary water supply in order to reduce the water-clarified needs and enhance increase demand of water supply. In ”Water Resource Indication” of green buildings, the condition of water replacement is different in different geographic area. While the water usage replacement condition at Taipei is based on the rainfall data collected in the Taipei Weather Station of the Central Weather Bureau, Taipei Basin's geographical distinction reflects the rainfall differences among all districts. This paper investigates use rainwater to replace the huge water usage of 137 elementary schools at different regions. According to data collected from weather stations, the 'rainwater supply from campus' factor and 'water demand for school' factor are extracted by the factor-analysis statistic method for the balance influence between rainwater supply and demand at Taipei elementary schools. Results of this study can provide a valuable reference to calculate water collection and to estimate how much rainwater a school needs for washroom use.


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翁彩瓊(2006)。校園雨水再利用貯量設計模式之研究 -以台北市國小為對象-〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.00421
