  • 期刊


A Taxonomical Analysis of Type-By the Cases of San-He-Yuan in Taiwan and Fujian


基於先前對類型的研究,本文描述了一種建構於「起始概念」觀點下對民居類型研究的新方法。此一理論為:不同的類型之民居根源於不同之「起始概念」,而「起始概念」則透過稱之為「屬類分析」之方法而獲得。依據上述之法則,得以超越表相之類似而充分的區別兩種看似相同但實為相異類型之案例,此「起始概念」為一生產規則,其起始於細微差異的空間關係,而終形成明顯相異之類型。 為論證此理論與方法,本文以台灣及福建U形合院,即普遍所稱之三合院為研究對象。在此屬類關係之推演中,顯示三項發現可與移民遷徙等社會文化課題對話:首先,台灣各類型之三合院多數難以在其原鄉發現;其二,台灣以幾何分類所泛指之三合院實屬於不同「起始概念」下之類型案例,實為新類型,而與其原鄉類型之關連可以僅存在「起始概念」的遺傳而非僅為複製移植;其三,在此對台灣三合院的研究中顯示,其遷徙地環境條件的同化是促使類型演化的一項重要的外在力量。因此,將據此以瞭解類型傳播的過程中存在之演化機制與文化關連性。


Based on previous typological studies, this paper describes a new approach dwelling on the idea of ”genesis principle”. The theory speculates that different types are the results of applying different genesis principles which can be found through the methodology called ”taxonomical analysis”. It is due to these principles that we can observe beyond surface similarities and sufficiently classify two look-alike cases into different types. The genesis principle is construed as a generation rule by which a slightly different spatial relation at the beginning will end up with significant discrepancy as consequence. To demonstrate the theory and method, the U-shape enclosure house, also generically categorized as ”San-He-Yuan”, is chosen to be the object of study. Cases are widely selected and tested from Taiwan and Fujian. There are three findings concerning cultural and social issues concluded: the first, Taiwan San-He-Yuan can hardly be found in its original home land in Fujian. Second, The genesis principle applied to Taiwan San-He-Yuan is quite different from that of Fujian counterpart. In this sense, it is a new type rather than a transplanted copy. Finally, assimilation to the local conditions is one of the major forces that contribute to the typological evolution which is remarkably evident in this study of Taiwan San-He Yuan.


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