  • 期刊


A Study on the Differences between the Significance of War Memorial: Based on the Purpose of Monuments Erected in Kinmen and Gettysburg, U.S.A.


自古以來,紀念性建築在城市空間中一直扮演著超越時間與空間,並具有永恆性的角色,能夠稱爲紀念性建築或紀念物本身都具有「紀念性(monumentality)」意義。此時,藉由此兩個不同文化與時空所發生的戰役,進行紀念性意義差異性的探討則更顯重要。 本研究以分別代表著不同文化與時空之下的國家內戰爲起點,討論在戰爭結束後所設置的紀念物於當下所代表的意涵與紀念價值。本研究比較的是以在歷史上被視爲美國南北戰爭轉戾點的「蓋茲堡之役」爲對象,探究其所象徵的紀念性意義與內涵;再將長期被視爲戰地的金門島所經歷最受矚目的兩次炮戰,以炮戰結束後所設置的紀念物來論述金門戰役的紀念性意義,並與蓋茲堡之役互相進行兩個分屬於不同時代背景之跨時空內戰所形成的紀念性意義差異性比較。此外,研究中也發現,雖然兩者同爲內戰,而兩者結果孰勝孰負卻會因爲紀念的對象與戰役背景不同而形成不同的紀念性意義。


From earliest antiquity to the present day Monumental Architecture perpetually and characteristically transcends both time and space. The phrase ”Monumental Architecture” signifies the buildings themselves in situ together with deeper associations which correspond with the term monumentality which bring into focus the broader definition of architecture in the city which experience many changes over time. Military Government in Kinmen ensued for many years following the conflicts which made for an uneasy relationship between military personnel and civilian life. Furthermore, during the transition from military to civilian existence itself, the very understanding of the monumentality in Kinmen was brought into question. Through this analysis and by understanding the different processes and backdrop involved it is possible to give rise to a singular hypothesis to those monuments erected following battles whether as memorials or monumental sculptures. A comparative study is made of the Battle of Gu Ning Tou in Kinmen and the 823 Bombardment in the Battle for Gettysburg adds further insight into the public ambitions behind war monumentality.


Battle Monumentality Monument Battle of Gettysburg Kinmen


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