  • 期刊


Study on Tsunami-Resistance of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings




The Mw 9.0 earthquake occurred in the northeast of Japan, on March 11, 2011, which generated an enormous tsunami disaster that caused the death or injury of over 20,000 people and caused massive infrastructure destruction along the northeast coast of Japan. According to the experience from Japan for deeply thinking purposes, Taiwan is also exposed to a high risk of tsunami damage. Therefore, well-prepared measures are necessary to prevent our society from tsunami disasters. In this study, hydraulic parameters of flow velocity, depth, momentum flux and structural dimensions are considered to simulate the run-up behavior of tsunami wave propagation by the shallow water wave approach. The results of tsunami wave simulation can estimate the load effects of tsunamis, which are the requirement for tsunami resistance in the design of low-rise reinforced concrete buildings. Nonlinear static structural analysis can, at the same time, arrive at capacity for tsunami resistance. Thus, according to the demand and capacity for tsunami resistance, we can design a low-rise refuge building.


吳祚任( 2012 ) 。台灣自1661年起之10次台灣歷史海嘯紀錄。引用於2012 年12 月1 日,取自http://tsunami.ihs.ncu.edu.tw/tsunami/history.htm。
International Tsunami Information Center (ITlC) (2012) General Information: About Tsunami. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2012 from http://itic.ioc-unesco.org
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