  • 期刊


Electrical Stimulation for Female SUI


應力性尿失禁(stress uninary incontinence, SUI)是一種症狀性的診斷,由國際禁尿學會(International Continence Society, ICS)之定義為病患在引起腹壓狀態時造成無法自主控制的漏尿。因此,以尿路動力學檢查可將SUI歸類為真性應力性尿失禁(genuine stress inconti-nence, GSI),不穩定逼尿肌(detrusor instability, DI),混合型(mixed GSI/DI),以及其它等。目前治療SUI可區分為兩大類之方法-非手術療法(保守治療法)及手術治療。骨盆底電極刺激(pelvic floor electrical stimulation, PFES)是保守治療SUI中之一種,它是一種對於骨盆底肌肉的訓練,造成一種被動式運動,使其達到強化提肛肌之目的(當使用50Hz的頻率時),可治療GSI;以及可抑制逼尿肌收縮(當使用10Hz的頻率時),以治療DI。PFES有二種型式,一是植入型,另一是外用型(置入陰道內或直腸內)。其中以外用型較受到歡迎,因其使用上比較容易且無副作用。文獻上,以PFES治療SUI病例,如以護墊測漏試驗來判定治癒例加上改善例在內之成功率約為60~70%。因此,PFES對某些選擇性SUI病例可達到一定之治療效果。


Stress urinary incontinence(SUI)is a symptomatic diagnosis defined by International Continence Society(ICS)as the involuntary loss of urine during physical exertion. It can be further classified into genuine stress incontinence (GSI), detrusor instability (DI), mixed GSI/DI and others urodynamically. There are two main kinds of treatment for SUI: non-surgical (conservative) and surgical methods. Pelvic floor electrical stimulation (PFES) is one of the conservative treatments for SUI. It is a passive exercise for pelvic floor muscles to strengthen levator ani muscles in 50Hz frequency, and to inhibit detrusor contraction in 10 Hz frequency. There are two types of PFES: the implant type and the external type (in vagina or rectum). However, the latter is preferable due to its easy use and no side-effects. In literature the successful rate of PFES for SUI by pad test, including cure and improvement, ranged from 60% to 70%. Thus, PFES has certain effects for selected cases with SUI.
