

Although COG (Cluster of Orthologous Groups of proteins) has a powerful function in analyzing the homology among molecules from many diverse species, it provides only one eukaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a proteome reference. The Proteome Analysis Databases (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteome/), however, are more useful for giving simultaneously the key representative proteomes of three eukaryotic kingdoms, animal, plant and fungus. Moreover, it integrates the information of higher structures of proteins interested. Accordingly, our study on erythrocruorin adopts the Proteome Analysis databases. Erythrocruoin is a family of globin superfamily, distributed as an extracelluar respiratory molecule in numerous invertebrates such as annelid, arthropod, etc. It has a great molecular mass in general and is assembled from many copies of both hemoglobin subunits and nonhemogloin or “linkee” subunits. Recently, Royer et al. reported its higher structure in 5.5 Å resolution from Lumbricus terrestris (published in PNAS, USA, Vol.97, 7107-7111, 2000); and, Negrisolo, Pallaricini et al. present the primary structures of chlorocruorin found in four marine polychaete families as well as their molecular phylogenetics (JBC, Vol 276, 26384-26390 & 26391-26397,2001). We report here preliminary results for erythrocruorin using Proteome Analysis (excluding chlorocruorin). The Proteome Analysis is compiled using InterPro, CluSTR and GO, and is performed on the non-redundant complete sets of SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL entries. In Inter-Pro, the accession number of erythrocruorin is located in IPR002336, its name is erythrocruorin family, which matches 81 proteins. In InterPro entry 1PR002336, the abstract described the status of this family and its relationship with the other families of globin superfamily. In CjuSTR, it contains 12 entries. which AC numbers are: P02221,P02229, P22431, P08924, P11740, P02219, P02218, P09966, P11069, P13578, P13579 and P02220. In GO, the search term name is oxygen transport; term ID is GO: 0015671; parent term is 1, child term is 0; and InterPro Mappings (=9) including alpha hemoglobin, beta hemoglobin, erythrocruorin family, globin, leghemoglobin, myoglobin, pi hemoglobin, protozoan/cyanobacterial globins, and zeta hemoglobin. The results above make a foundation to further studies on molecular evolution and phylogenetics for erythrocruorin.
