  • 期刊

A Study of the Impact of Activity Overlapping on Development Lead-Time in Design Chain



市場新商機的產生亦加快速,業界將設計與製造工作外包的現象更甚於以往,因此,越來越多的製造廠商扮演系統整合角色,與「設計鏈」(design chain)中夥伴共同合作為市場開發創新產品。本研究之目的即探討使用「活動重疊」(activity overlapping)的概念,增進設計鏈之效率以加快新產品上市時間。本文修改文獻中所提出的「活動重疊」模式,以最小化研發前置時間的目標下,決定兩相依活動間最佳重疊時間與資訊交換次數。為探討在不同組合之敏感度與成熟度對「活動重疊」之研發前置時間之效應,本研究特設計兩函數用以量化評估上游活動之資訊成熟度與下游活動「設計迭代」(design iterations)之敏感度。最後,本文亦彙整出一些對於縮短產品上市時間之經營策略。


Outsourcing more of the design and production than before, manufacturers increasingly take on the role of systems integrators and collaborate with ”design chain” partners to bring a new product to market. The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary study that applies the concept of activity overlapping to accelerate design chain activities in order to improve the time to market. An activity overlapping model adapted from the literature is used to determine the optimal overlapping time and the number of information exchanges required to minimize the development lead-time between two dependent activities. Two parametric functions are proposed to model information evolution and iteration sensitivity for upstream and downstream activities. The impacts of activity overlapping on development lead-time can be thoroughly analyzed for different combinations of evolutions and sensitivities. Several strategies for managing design chain to improve the time to market are also discussed.


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