

本研究之目的是希望以觀察方式來分析、建構B2C(Business-to-consumer)網路消費者行爲模式。電子商務市場蓬勃發展,網路購物之優勢與潛力已不容忽視,但有些消費者對網路購物的經驗並不愉快,了解消費者之行爲模式實爲網路購物成功與否關鍵因素之一。在進行觀察前,先以腦力激盪法及問卷訪談方式建構出網路消費者行爲模式之雛型。十二位受試者參與研究實驗,實驗以實際上網方式模擬網路購物,每位受試者需購買書籍、手機與手提電腦三類型商品。實驗進行中以攝影機記錄網頁內容與網路消費者之行爲與決策過程,並利用行爲分析軟體The Observer來分析。結果發現,本文所提之B2C網路消費者行爲模式可完整說明網路消費者之行爲過程;消費者購買不同商品時,因商品特性之差異,其行爲過程的反覆程度也不同;此外,各購物階段之時間比率也顯著不同。建議網站需考量產品特性與消費者之行爲過程而加強提供不同之資訊或輔助介面設計。


The purpose of this research is to verify a preliminary B2C consumer behavior model that is constructed previously by brainstorming, structured interview, and on-line observation. Twelve subjects voluntarily participated in the verification experiment. Thinking aloud method was used for the experiment. Subjects were asked to do online shopping in an experimental environment and their behavioral processes were recorded by video cameras for later analysis using observation software-”The Observer”. Three types of products were provided in the experimental environment: book, cell phone, and notebook PC. Experimental results indicated that the B2C consumer behavior in electronic commerce could be described completely by the proposed Ten-Step Model. The complexity of the behavior model and time spent in each step depend on the characteristics of the products. It is suggested that websites information and the customer-supporting interfaces should be customized according to the types of products and the factors that affect consumer behavior to best assist customers in EC.


Shih. R.,D. C. Gong,C. M. Wu(2003).Research on the e-business environmental factors for Taiwan electronic enterprise concerning Taiwan and China.Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers.20(6),599-613.
Wang, E.,B. S. Caldwell,G. Salvendy(2003).Usability comparison: similarity and differences between e-commerce and World Wide Web.Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers.20(3),258-266.
Digitimes, 2001/11/14
E-buyersguider Surveys


