  • 期刊


Using Electroless Etching Method to Fabricate Silicon Nanowires Array for Sensing Volatile Organic Solvents Vapor




Herein we report the preparation of silicon nanowires by using the electroless chemical etching method. Different lengths of silicon nanowires array can be obtained by changing the etching time. These arrays are used as sensors in detection of volatility organic solvents. We can obtain the longer length of silicon nanowires by increasing the etching time. The sensitivity of organic solvents will be increased depending on the length of silicon nanowires. We choose pentane, ethanol and acetone as the organic solvents and report the reactivity between that and silicon nanowires. Pentane is a nonpolar solvent. There are hydrogen bonds between ethanol molecules causing by the OH functional group and carbonyl group was contained in acetone molecule. Both of these solvents are to be provided with polar. We can obtain the results in good reactivity and sensitivity of acetone which is containing carbonyl group.
