  • 期刊


Real-Time Reassignments of Common-Use Counters Following Airport Incidents




In general, when the normal operations of airport common-use counters are affected by incidents, the airport staff usually have to reassign some departure flights to some common-use counters in real-time to keep on the operations. When such reassignments are improperly performed, it would result in increased cost on the users or decreased level of service of the airport. Therefore, it is important for airport authorities to efficiently and effectively reassign flights to common-use counters in real-time following airport incidents to maintain the airport service quality and to reduce the user cost. Hence, in this research we examined the objective of minimizing the total inconsistency of flights to common-use counters with related operating constraints. Two models were developed to help the airport authority properly reassign flights to common-use counters in real-time following incidents. These two models are formulated as zero-one integer programs, which are solved using the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX. To test how well the proposed models may be applied in real world, we performed a case study concerning the operations of an international airport in Taiwan. The results show that the proposed models are useful for actual operations.


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