  • 期刊


Analyzing the Effect of Modeling-Oriented Inquiry Model on 8th Grade Students' Ability to Identify the Elements of Scientific Inquiry


本研究旨在探討建模導向的探究模式,對八年級學生辨識科學探究成份能力之影響。以準實驗研究法進行設計,研究對象取自全南市某國中八年級學生。實驗組以「建模導向探究模式」進行教學,對照組以「教科書導向探究模式」進行教學。從國中自然與生活科技第三冊教科書中,選取四個教學單元來進行本研究。以「辨識研究問題、辨識研究假設、辨識操縱變因、辨識應變變因、辨識控制變因」代表辨識科學探究成份的能力。分析實驗組與對照組的表現,研究結果如下:實驗組表現優於對照組,在「辨識研究問題、辨識操縱變因、辨識應變變因、辨識控制變因」四個向度及整體表現, 在統計上達顯著差異,具有中度或大的實驗效果量。但是「辨識研究假設」向度,在統計上未達顯著差異。依據研究結果,研究者對後續的研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Modeling-oriented Inquiry Model on 8th grade students' ability to identify the elements of scientific inquiry, A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, The research samples were 8th grade students of a junior high school in Tainan City, The experimental group was instructed in the ”modeling-oriented inquiry model”, while the contrast group was instructed in the ”textbook-oriented inquiry model”, Four teaching units were adopted from the Junior High School Science Textbook Volume m for this research ”Identify research problem, identify hypothesis, identify manipulated variable, identify responding variable, identify controlled variable” were used to represent the ability to identify the elements of scientific inquiry, The performance of the experimental group and the contrast group was analyzed, The research results are as follows: The experimental group performed better than the contrast group, Statistically significant differences are found in ”identify research problem, identify manipulated variable, identify responding variable, identify controlled variable, and total performance”, The effect size is moderate or large, But no significant difference is found in ”identify hypothesis” , The researcher proposes some recommendations to future research according to the research results.


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