  • 期刊


A Study on the Strategic Choice Approach in Local Traffic Planning


本研究係依據「策略性選擇方法(Strategic Choice Approach)的規劃方式,來提出一具體可行的地區性交通計畫。研究之進行分為五個主要階段:1.對「策略性選擇方法」之方法論與基本觀念詳加介紹與檢討。2.透過「發想法」來對地區性交通計畫中「多樣化」之「居民意願」進行結構化,如此,可明確對立意見、問題原因、結果等諸項目之間的關係。3.使用「決策領域交絡分析」的方法將上述問題與對策再度予以結構化,並製作「計畫方案」。繼之考慮限制條件,以決定出替選方案。4.以「分析階層程序法」結合「模糊測度」的方法,分析各替選方案的優先順序,並進而探討居民的評估態度。5.依據「決策領域交絡分析」之決策領域和評估結果,提出套裝議案,以利解決所面臨之「不確定性」問題。


This paper provides a feasible local traffic planning based on Strategic Choice Approach (SCA). Five processes will be shown as follows: 1. The basic foundations and core concepts of SCA will be introduced. 2. Resident opinions of local traffic planning will be structured through the KJ method to reflect relationship. 3. The Analysis of Interconnected Decision Areas (AIDA) will assist in formulating, combining and evaluating decision about connected issues. 4. Priority of plans will be decided by AHP. The new evaluation index, which is based on fuzzy measure, is adopted to solve drawbacks of AHP. And we examine its validity for the independent constraint and the versatile evaluation. 5. Commitment packages will be provided to manage the current state of uncertainty over what should be done about the current decision situation.


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