  • 期刊


The Impact of Housing Ownership and Quality on the Health Status of the Elderly in Taiwan




Using Population and Housing Census data for the year 2000, this paper estimates the impact of housing ownership and quality on the health status of the elderly in Taiwan. Our measure of the health of the elderly is whether the elderly require assistances in daily living activities (ADL) for a period of more than three months. Our measure of housing quality is the house's age, as well as the size and the number of rooms each adult shares in the house. We find that the elderly living in their own houses have better health than those staying in rented or other ownership categories. Our results also find that housing quality is important in determining the health of the elderly - the aged staying in low quality housing tend to experience worse health outcomes. Since the results indicate that housing quality produces a positive effect on the health of the aged, the government should consider policies promoting the housing quality of the elderly.


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