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The Housing Quality of Foreign Workers Living in Taiwan: From the Population and Housing Censuses from 1990 to 2000


隨著國際市場的日漸開放,勞動力在國際間流動早已成為一普遍現象,在配合政府亞太營運中心計畫的推動下,未來在服務業與資本技術密集製造業人力將會有大量需求,故白領階級的勞動力亦會迅速增加,其基本權力也將會更受到國際間的重視,對於其居住問題的重要性也必定日漸提昇。 有鑑於此,本文的主要目的,便是利用主計處1990年與2000年二次「戶口及住宅普查」資料,採用等加權數法建構住宅品質指標,進一步瞭解這十年間來台工作之白領階級外籍人士其住宅品質的變化,以及影響住宅品質的因素,特別是針對戶與棟的住宅特質,希望能藉此提昇國內的住宅品質,以便將來能吸引更多的白領階級外籍人士來台居住,並作長期投資。 文中發現,這十年來,除日本籍外,在台工作外籍人士的住宅品質有小幅下滑的趨勢,但在屋齡或住宅類型等棟的品質上的確有所提昇,然而住宅權屬、坪數、房間數等戶的特性仍是家戶選擇住宅時的最重要考量因素。另外,過去雖以台北市士林區與北投區的住宅品質較佳,但十年後,中南部的住宅品質已有相當幅度的改善,台中市已逐漸成為白領階級外籍人士中住宅品質最佳的地區,而台北市松山、信義、與中山區亦逐漸取代士林與北投地區。隨著時間的改變,影響住宅品質的人口因素,已由年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、戶內人口數等,變成戶內人口數、是否為家計負責人,不同國籍,對影響住宅品質因素的選擇亦會有所不同。


As the labor markets have opened, labor mobility between countries has become a more widespread phenomenon already. Matching the government's plans of the Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center, the labor force in the white-collar sector will also increase quickly. The significance of residential problems for white-collar foreign labor will therefore also increase necessarily. In this paper, applying Population and Housing Census data from 1990 and 2000 from the Taiwan Directorate General of Budget Accounting and Statistics, we use the equal weight method to calculate the variety of housing quality for white-collar foreign workers living in Taiwan by different nationalities, and the ways it is affected by the building and house characteristics especially. It is suggested that we should improve the domestic housing quality in order to attract more white-collar foreign workers to come to Taiwan to live, and made to make such an investment over a long period of time. We find that, for the decade 1990-2000, the housing quality for white-collar foreign labor has tended to fall, except for Japanese, even though the building quality is improving in such matters as house age and house types. However, the most important considerations in the choice of residence are found to be ownership, floor space and the number of rooms. Besides that, housing quality is better in Shihlin and Peitou within Taipei City in the past. After a decade, Taichung City has already gradually become the favorite area for white-collar foreign labor. The best areas of housing quality in Taipei City are Sungshan, Hsin-I, and Chungshan districts. During this period, the population factor influencing housing quality, by age, marital status, level of education, family size etc., has become dominated by family size, probably as it is the main family income resource. In addition, different nationality is found to be one of the main factors influencing the choice of housing quality.


Housing Quality White-Collar Foreign Workers


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