  • 期刊


Production of Taichung City Government Building: 1895-1945




As the provincial capital and the largest city in the central region of the island, Taichung played a rather important role in late 19th century Taiwan. Nevertheless, many public buildings and temples were destroyed after the Japanese occupation (1895-1945). The colonial government undertook urban reformation, embedding new Western imperial buildings, including a railroad station, a sugar refinery and a distillery, in the central city. The Japanese attempted to build a colonial city like European colonies, with a radiating road network and classicism governmental buildings, in order to concrete the symbol of imperialism, and to develop an effective production system for modern sugarhouse and winery. This hybrid character gives Taichung a unique colonial modernity. This study expands historical research to socio-cultural study, exploring the building history as well as the social network and urban tissue. The architectural and social changes during the colonial Taichung are discussed, to demonstrate the interconnection between imperial symbols and modern industrial production, and to identify the role of the local elite in forming the colonial society? These empirical studies focus discuss the urban history of Taichung in terms of the transplantation of imperialism and modernism.


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