  • 期刊


Applying a Psychological Strategy to Solve a Social Dilemma: The Illegal Parking Problem in Taiwan


違規停車問題向來被視作一個典型的社會困境(social dilemma),當人們處於社會困境時,其行為是「個人利益最大化」的想法與「應該這麼做」的道德意識互相糾纏/相斥下的產物。在前人的研究中已經指出,透過行使外在之賞罰以及變更制度等結構策略(structural strategy),可有效的使處於社會困境的人們產生相互合作的行為。但是,以往有關於社會困境的許多研究皆顯示,僅依賴結構策略是無法對社會困境做出本質性、根本性的解決,之後還需要搭配上能改變人們內在之心理策略(psychological strategy)才能達到預期的效果。本研究立足於「態度理論(attitude theory)」,利用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM),將機慢車使用者「違規停放機慢車」的決策思考過程予以模式化;同時再進而驗證「說服性溝通」應用於解決「機慢車違規停放」問題上的效果。本研究以國立成功大學的學生為受測者(共178人),並透過追蹤調查法來蒐集所需的資料,分析之後得到以下的結果:①僅需要提供「如何避免違規停放機慢車」的具體資訊,便可以削減約2成的違規停放機慢車行為。②透過結構方程模式,確認人們在進行停車行為時所存在的決策架構。③確認「說服性溝通」在決策中所扮演的角色與其影響效果。此舉顯示出心理策略在某種程度上,確實可彌補結構策略的不足,有助於解決都市交通計畫中所遭遇的社會困境問題。


The illegal parking problem of motorcycles and bicycles is a type of social dilemma. Individual behavior results from the interaction between maximizing personal interests and personal morality when people lie in social dilemma. Previous studies noted that a structural strategy related to institutional change can improve cooperation among people. However, many studies have demonstrated that a structural strategy only cannot resolve social problems in an essential and fundamental way. Only by combining the structural strategy and a psychological strategy can achieve the desired effect. This study is based attitude theory, and models the decision process of people who are considering illegally parking motorcycles or bicycles by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Additionally, this study investigates the effect of applying the psychological strategy on solving the illegal parking problem. A follow-up method is applied to gather panel data. Students at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, are the subjects (n=178). Three conclusions are obtained. 1) Only providing specific information concerning how to not park illegally may reduce illegal parking rate for motorcycles and bicycles by 20%. 2) By SEM, the structure of individual's decision-making process under parking problems can be confirmed. 3) Persuasive communication plays an important role in the decision-making process. Consequently, a psychological strategy can supplement a structural strategy and is helpful in solving this social dilemma associated with urban transportation planning.


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