  • 期刊


Development of a Model for Predicting Thermal Comfort around Bodies of Water




水域空間 熱舒適 蒸發散


Rapid development in urban areas increases natural environmental burden. To achieve a comfortable and convenient life requires a large increase in energy use in urban areas, which produces CO2 and heat dissipation. The interaction of solar rays with a body of water during the daytime increases its temperature. This study is a continuation of a previous study by YH Chiu in 2009, entitled ”Thermal Comfort Level around Water Bodies in Urban Areas”, which addressed both thermal comfort around bodies of water and evapotranspiration of the body of water and human surface area. Field measurements are carried out around the water body while surveying thermal sensation at different positions using questionnaires. According to the survey and experimental results, thermal comfort can vary with distance, as well as with physical and physiological conditions. Finally, through regression analysis, this study establishes the physical parameters for water bodies and the prediction model of thermal comfort: Ts= -0.001Ea + 0.39SR + 0.147WS + 0.465Ta + 0.439. This model uses evaporation heat flux, solar irradiation, wind speed and air temperature measured from the site to obtain the thermal comfort indicator, which can serve as a reference in the design of future bodies of water.


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