  • 期刊


Displayed Positive Emotions as a Mediator of the Relationship between Organizational Service Climate and Service Quality


過去已有許多研究證實組織服務氣候與服務品質之間有正向關係,即當組織營造一個強調服務之氣候時,顧客愈能成受較佳之服務品質。然而,過去研究並未深入解釋為何組織服務氣候會影響服務品質。Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1985)認為員工表現親切友善的情緒是決定服務品質的一個重要因素,因此本研究提出正面情緒表達為一影響組織服務氣候與服務品質之中介變項。本研究以大台北地區236位鞋店銷售員及232位顧客為對象,調查顧客對服務品質之看法及店員對其組織服務氣候之認知,並以觀察法記錄店員之正面情緒表達。本研究利用LISREL進行資料分析,結果發現理論模型適配情形尚稱理想。具體而言,本研究提供一實證研究模型,證實組織服務氣候可經由正面情緒表達此一中介變項,影響顧客服務品質知覺,亦即當組織氣候愈強調服務時,店員會表達愈親切友善的情緒,進而影響顧客對服務品質的評價。


Much of past research provided support for the positive relationship between organizational service climate and customer perceptions of service quality (e.g., Schneider, Parkington, and Buxton, 1980; Schneider and Bowen, 1985 ; Schneider and Bowen, 1993 ; Schneider, White, and Paul, 1998). That is, service organizations can manage and enhance their internal climate for service in order to increase the possibility of positive service quality evaluations by customers. However, past research failed to clearly explain why this relationship holds. Parasuraman, Zeithami, and Berry (1985) viewed appropriate expressions of emotion on the part of employees as one of the key determinants of service quality. Thus, we proposed that employee displayed positive emotions may be a mediating variable between organizational service climate and customer perceptions of service quality. Data was collected from 236 sales clerks in 102 retail shoe stores in Northern Taiwan and 232 customers who were served by one of the sales clerks. Results of LISREL suggested that the proposed theoretical model fitted the data well, indicating a support of the hypotheses. It seems that organizational service climate influences employee displayed positive emotions which in turn, influences customer evaluation of service quality.


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