  • 期刊

Do Both SOX 404 and AS5 Reduce ICFR-Disclosure Errors?



The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of both SOX 404 and AS5 on ICFR-disclosure errors. We follow the rationale and method developed by Knechel and Vanstraelen (2007) and regard restatement companies (nonrestatement companies) as those with weak (effective) internal controls and greater (lower) likelihood to receive adverse ICFR opinions. We presume that deterioration in ICFR-disclosure quality is shown by an increase in the likelihood of Type II errors (a restatement company fails to conclude that its internal control system is ineffective for the restated period) or an increase in the likelihood of Type I errors (a nonrestatement company concludes that its internal control system is ineffective for the nonrestatement period). Our evidence indicates that the enactment of SOX 404 reduces the Type II errors of ICFR disclosures, without the side effect of increasing Type I errors. In addition, we find that even though the more flexible and less prescriptive AS5 can enhance the efficiency of ICFR audits by reducing Type I errors, it inadvertently lowers public ICFR-disclosure quality, measured as increased Type II errors.


本研究旨在研究沙賓法404條及審計準則第5號對於內部控制揭露錯誤的影響。本研究參考Knechel and Vanstraelen (2007)的方法,將重編公司視為內部控制較不健全之公司,這些公司理應較可能會收到內部控制否定意見,反之亦然。本研究假定若重編公司報導內部控制系統為有效,此時意味犯型二錯誤的機率較高;若非重編公司報導公司內部控制系統為無效,此時意味犯型一錯誤的機率較高。型二及型一錯誤皆代表內部控制品質降低。本研究發現實施沙賓法404條後可以使型二錯誤發生機率降低,並不會使型一錯誤發生機率增加。此外本研究也發現較具彈性的審計準則第5號可以使型一錯誤發生機率降低,有助提高查核內部控制之效率。但審計準則第5號卻會使得型二錯誤發生機率增加,損及內部控制揭露品質。


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