  • 期刊

Detecting Possible Taxation Loopholes: the Case of Taiwan





重分配效果 捐贈 避稅


This paper proposes a series of procedures for the detection of the existence and causes of possible loopholes in the income tax system. Using Taiwan's micro tax return data, we find a puzzling decline in the redistributive effect of the individual income tax system during the period from 2000 to 2003, without background changes in the tax law. We investigate why this occurred, eventually relating the phenomenon to a loophole involving charitable donations deductions. We offer explanations why this peculiar donation practice was not common until 2000, provide evidence of the timing behavior in 2003, and demonstrate how this tax avoidance scheme had a dramatic negative impact on individual income tax revenue. Our detection procedures are summarized and standardized, and may be extended to similar cases for other countries.


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Wu, A. (2014). 企業集團為降低所得稅誘發之利潤移轉研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00168
