  • 期刊


How Could Rousseau's Civil Religion Help Us Understand the Conflict of Beliefs in Modern Political Life?




In this post-theocracy era, there is no absolute authority that can guide our political life. When different religious or political beliefs conflict with each other in the normativity of political life, eventually, a conflict of beliefs is bound to happen. Although the constitutions of sovereign states seem to be neutral and secular judges, they are in fact imposing a value system that distinguishes the public and private realms and are intolerant of parochial values in political life. Through an examination of Rousseau's texts, this essay proposes a modem understanding of civil religion, arguing that this understanding could serve as a useful analytical framework to clarify and evaluate the conflict of beliefs. The essay also finds that if the civil religion is preached with proper national institutions, it cultivates the citizens' love of their home country and their duties. Hence, the problems that arose from conflicting beliefs would be ameliorated.


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