  • 期刊


Import Competition and the Optimal Quality-related R&D Subsidy




In this paper we set up a vertical product differentiation model to explore the relationship between the home government's quality-related R&D subsidy and the product quality choice made by the domestic firm, without making assumptions concerning home product positioning relative to imports. We show that the optimality of the quality-related R&D subsidy depends on the taste distribution among domestic consumers: the government should subsidize (tax) the high-quality domestic firm's quality-related R&D activity if the variance of this distribution is small (large). However, this subsidy has no effect on the quality choice of the domestic firm if the home firm decides to be a low-quality firm. We also show that the domestic government can grant the quality-related R&D subsidy to induce the domestic firm to raise its product quality and to leapfrog the rival imports if the exogenous quality level of the imports is not high.


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