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Party Caucuses Negotiation and Legislation Process: Analysis of the Fifth Legislative Body in Taiwan


國會是一個合議制的機構,以多數決的方式來決定事務。在一個擁有225人的立法院中,不可能所有的爭議或議案都經過每一個立委的討論或同意,在遇到不同意見的時候,往往都是由政黨出面來協商,黨團協商制度因而產生。 本文要探討的問題是:黨團協商制度在立法過程中所扮演的角色與地位,什麼樣的議案比較容易交付黨團協商?哪一類的議案交付黨團協商後,比較容易完成協商與三讀?黨團協商是否可以解決國會立法衝突? 本文以第五屆立法院一讀通過後的2,472筆提案爲分析單位,檢驗每一筆提案的特色,以及是否某些特質的提案較容易送交黨團協商?那些特質的法案較容易完成黨團協商以及較容易三讀通過?第五屆立法院完成三讀的提案約占一讀提案的38%。其中逕付二讀、黨團提案、政治及兩岸類、由高度忙碌的委員會審查及有對案的提案,送交黨團協商的機會比較高。 逕付二讀、有對案、政府提案、政府制度與政府組織類、經濟及財政類、政治及兩岸類、教育及文化類的提案較容易送交協商,也較容易完成協商。而高度忙碌委員會審查的提案,雖然容易送交協商但不容易達成協商結論。 另外,有對案、政府提案容易完成三讀。交付高度忙碌的委員會審查之提案比較不容易完成三讀,且屬於經濟及財政與教育及文化類的提案相較於社會福利及環保類的提案而言,也是比較不容易完成三讀。 衝突的解決必須要協調的政黨都願意各退一步,相互妥協,方有可能。送到黨團協商的議案相對而言是衝突較高的法案,其中一部分可以在黨團協商中解決,但也有一半的法案無法解決,顯然衝突仍大無法獲得共識。然而一旦可以完成協商,三讀通過的機會就很高。是故在討論立法院的議事過程時,黨團協商制度是不可以忽視的一環。


黨團協商 提案機關 對案 逕付二讀 三讀


In the Legislative Yuan, it is impossible for 225 legislators to make all of their decisions through a process of bargaining and compromise among independent members, unless there is some force that can mediate the conflicting interests. The political party in the Legislative Yuan seeks to provide a focus and act as a centralizing force that will permit Congress to reach meaningful decisions. This article will focus on what kind of role a party caucus negotiation plays in the legislative process: What kinds of bills are more easily referred to a party caucus negotiation? After being referred to the party caucus negotiation, what kinds of bills are easier to pass? To what extent can the party caucus negotiation promote legislative lawmaking? This paper will examine 2472 legislative bills proposed by different institutions or players to see if there are certain characteristics that result in some bills more easily being sent to negotiation. From those bills referred to the party caucus negotiation, what kind more easily finish the negotiation, and what kind are easier to pass? Party bills, bills going straight to the second reading, political and cross-strait issues, bills referred to heavily busy committees, and bills with counter-proposals are more frequently sent to negotiation. Most of these bills are also more likely to reach agreement. However, bills referred to heavily busy committees are more easily sent to negotiation, but less likely to reach agreement. Governmental bills, and bills with counterproposals are easier to pass. On the other hand, bills sent to highly busy committees, economic and financial issues, educational and cultural issues appear less easy to get passed.


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