  • 期刊

Married Women's Labor Time on the Family Farm



過去的文獻顯示,婦女對農業生產的貢獻,常在傳統經濟學理論對農業勞力狹隘的定義,以及官方勞力統計資料中被低估。這種低估由義權意識型態中女性家庭主婦化(housewifization)過程中得到充分的肯定。 本文企圖走出經濟學理論對性別分工之兩刀式的研究架構所呈現的有限性,瞭解農家婦女勞力被低估的情形以及其可能造成的婦女角色認同的問題。本文首先利用所建構廣義的農場勞動力,分析已婚農家婦女在自家農場之勞力時間投入。這方面的分析著重在與丈夫工作時間、季節變化、家務工作參與的變化等三方面之比較,並輔以官方調查統計資料及前人研究結果說明。其次,本文分析婦女對自己在農業生產中的角色認同與工作負荷的態度,並瞭解她們的角色認同與工髼負荷的態度是與其在農場工作上的時間投入有關。 研究結果顯示,單就蔬菜與花卉生產而言,已婚婦女在農業勞力時間投入可以與一般職業婦女相提並論。這個發現與官方統計數字有很大的差異。其次,雖然多數的婦女在農場上辛勤的工作,她們在家務勞力上投入的時間並不因為農務淡季而大量減少,而且她們有貶低自己在農業生產中扮演的地位以及農業生產貢獻的傾向。儘管如此,她們對過重的工作份量卻不會有反抗的心理。 基於以上的瞭解,作者強烈的建議特別從工作非利、酬償、生產資源取得、訓練參與機會等多方面去關心這些參與了商業化或商品化農業生產工作行列,且每天例行的必須同時在家務及農務之間努力工作的婦女。


Previous literature has shown that women’s contributions to agricultural production are underestimated by the conventional theory of labor and labor statistics. The underestimation is derived fro the traditional conceptualization of market/waged labor and the process of housewifization based in patriarchal gender ideology. Recognizing the limitation of the economics theory of gender division of labor and women’s perceptions of work roles in farm production as the result of the underestimation of their labor input, this paper first examines married women’s labor time on the family farm from the feminist/broad conceptualization of women’s labor. The examination emphasizes the interaction between farm labor and household labor over seasons. Second, this paper also examines women’s perceptions of their roles in agricultural production and the relationship of their perceptions with their work performance. The results show that women averagely spend over 8 hours on farm work. This finding is deviated from general labor statistics. Women’s time allocated to housework does not decrease a lot as their time on farm work decreases from busy season to slack season. Most of the women in this study work very hard but identify themselves as farm helpers and feel their farm workload not heavy at all.
