  • 期刊

The Exchange Rate-Interest Differential Relation with Heavy-Tailed Processes





Standard cointegration tests assuming Gaussian processes are not robust to heavy-tails, but some recent studies have suggested many financial market returns and exchange rate returns may be driven by infinite-variance innovations. This is the motivation for re-analyzing the relationship between real exchange rates and real interest differentials (RERI) by allowing for infinite variance processes. Quarterly observations are used for Canada, France, Germany, Japan, UK and US over the recent floating-rate period. We find sufficient evidence of heavy-tails in our data. Accordingly, we re-form residual-based and likelihood-ratio-based cointegration tests using the critical values adjusted for infinite-variance innovations. Our results obtained by the residual-based cointegration tests demonstrate the rejection of RERI link in all cases either under the assumption of Gaussian or α-stable innovations. However, the likelihood-ratio- based cointegration tests which take into consideration heavy-tailed processes provide marginally less supportive evidence than standard likelihood-ratio-based cointegration tests.


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