

三軍總醫院自民國71年1月至77年1月間,共收集12個惡性纖維組織細胞瘤的病例,所有病例皆經病理證實。其中10例原發於軟組織,2例原發於骨骼。所有病人都接受一種以上的放射線學檢查,包括常規X光檢查12例,軟組織攝影2例,動脈攝影2例,靜脈攝影1例,超音波掃描4例,電腦斷層掃描3例,99mTC-MDP骨骼掃描9例,99mTC-Sulfur colloid一肝脾掃描3例。這些檢查都不具特異性,僅在軟組織上看到腫塊,或骨骼上發現邊緣不清的單一骨蝕性病灶。此病的發生率高,身體任何部位皆可長,而預後又不好。決定此病預後的因素,在於腫瘤的深度及大小。電腦斷層掃描及超音波檢查可以幫忙確定腫瘤的深度及大小或其他轉移病灶,對治療及預後可提供正確的評估,同時對治療後的追踪檢查亦為很好的工具。


From Jan. 1982 to Jan. 1988 there were 12 cases of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) found in TSGH, all cases were confirmed by pathology. The anatomic distribution in our series revealed 10 cases in soft tissue, and 2 cases in bone. MFH is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in middle and late adult life. The radiological studies included plain X-ray film in 12, xerography in 2, angiography in 2, venography in 1, computed tomography in 3, sonography in 4, 99mTC-MDP bone scan in 9, and 99mTC-liver spleen scan in 3 cases. The radiological features of MFH were nonspecific except for the presence of a mass in soft tissue, and poor defined solitary osteolytic lesion in bone. MFH has attracted significant interest for its relative frequency, ubiquity, and generally dim prognosis. Factors that influence the prognosis are the depth and size of tumor. Sonography and computed tomography can help in predicting its prognosis by well demonstration of the depth & size of tumor and making decision of treatment.

