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Kidney Size in Normal Chinese Adults


評估泌尿系統疾病時,判斷腎臟大小為診斷疾病重要依據之一。西方有關正常腎臟大小之文獻不少,但國內此類文獻尚未有系統之研究。我們隨機取樣找出腹部X光片,剔除可能有腎疾者,測量一千份腹部X光片之腎長寬及第二腰椎後緣高度,結果得到右腎平均長11.65±0.76cm,左腎平均長11.63±0.74cm;右腎平均寬5.57±0.51cm,左腎平均寬5.75±0.51cm;腎長與第二腰椎後緣高度之比為4.13±0.34。 與Moell的數據比較,國人不論腎長或腎寬均比較小,故Moell的數據不適合國人。Simon提出腎長與第二腰椎後緣高度比為3.7±0.37,本研究所得值為4.13±0.34,經統計研究,仍不適用。本研究依腹部X光片測得之腎長腎寬,經整理統計,以供臨床診斷參考。


腎臟 測量


Evaluation of normal renal size is important for diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases. There are many western literatures reporting the normal size of kidney, but quite few in Chinese. We evaluated the length and width of both kidneys and measured the height of posterior margin of the second lumbar vertebra on KUB films of 1000 persons free from renal diseases. The average length is 11.65±0.76 cm for the right kidney and 11.63±0.74 cm for the left kidney the average width is 5.57±0.51cm for the right kidney and 5.75±0.51 cm for the left kidney. We also found the kidney length in adult is about 4.13 times the height of the second lumbar vertebra. As compared with Moell's data, the Chinese kidney length and width are smaller than the westerns therefore it not suitable to use Moell's western data as our standard criteria. According to the Simon's data, the ratio of kidney length to the second lumbar vertebral beight is 3.7±0.37 while ours is 4.13±0.34. That indicates the height of the second lumbar vertebral body is further shorter than the westerns. From these statistical results, we recommand using our Chinese standard data to estimate the renal size and the ratio of renal length to the second lumbar vertebral height for clinical diagnosis of renal diseases.


kidney measurement
