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Simulation of Light Environment with Fluorescent lamps in a Growing Room



本研究使用光譜量測儀量測十八種全新螢光燈管的光譜,並進一步將此些光譜資料轉換成累積分佈後使用迴歸計算軟體求得其光譜計算式。此十八個高階非線性方程式的導出使得對光環境的分析變得可行。光譜資料本身即提供頻度資訊,更可讓吾人求出隨燈管種類不同而異的照度單位、光量子單位與輻射單位間的轉換常數,本研究同時進行試驗將導出的轉換常數值與量測值做一比對,證實理論推導的正確。紅光(波長在600-700 nm間)與遠紅光(波長在700-800 nm間)的光量子數比也可求出。 光譜計算式納入電腦程式後提供吾人一個利器用來協助分析不同燈管組合後所造成光環境的光譜、光量子數、照度與在空間中的均勻度等;亦可用來分析燈管不同安裝方式所造成對光環境的影響。此所謂不同安裝方式包括:安裝高度、間距與使用的燈管種類等。本研究旨在收集各式螢光燈管,量測光譜資料,透過迴歸分析導出計算式後納入程式中,並發展可達成前述功能的軟體。


Spectral distributions of 18 new fluorescent lamps were measured using spectroradiometer. The wavelength specific data of lamps were transformed into cumulative distributions that then formulated using regression technique. The 18 high order nonlinear equations derived can be of great use for the further study. For example, the spectral bin data in either photometric, radiometric or quantum unit of any waveband among 300 to 1100 nm can be derived. Light conversion factors from photometric to quantum to radiometric unit for all lamps were derived theoretically and validated experimentally. Amounts of red (600-700 nm) vs. far-red light (700-800 nm) were also given. The computerization of spectral data of 18 lamps enables the analysis of the performance of combine-lamps. With a given luminaries' combination and arrangement, the spectral distribution, the spatial illuminance level, PPFD level and uniformity over a specified growing area can be calculated. A software was developed for this purpose.
