本研究擬利用醱酵技術,將豬排泄物轉換為有用的飼料或添加物。實驗使用乾燥後的豬糞為基質,並以乳酸菌為菌種。在測試階段(階段I)以養樂多Lactobacillus Casei Shirota strain為乳酸菌來源;正式實驗階段(階段II)則使用乳酸菌Lactobacillus kefiri和Lactobacillus acidophilus。兩株菌先分別進行含水率70%、90%之醱酵實驗,接著依比例混合兩株乳酸菌,分別進行70%、90%之醱酵實驗。研究結果顯示,含水率90%在蛋白質上有較佳的產量,在乳酸的濃度方面,則以含水率70%有較好的表現。至於乳酸菌的效率表現,含水率90%的醱酵試驗中,Lactobacillus acidophilus在第21天及混合Lactobacillus kefiri和Lactobacillus acidophilus兩株菌種在第14天時,兩者皆能獲得36%的最高蛋白質含量;同時,以上兩種操作的產物也有較高的粗脂肪。
In this study, swine manure was converted to valuable feed or additives through fermentation. During experiment, the dried swine manure was used as the substrate, and Lactobacillus species were adopted as the seed. In the preparatory experiment (phase I), Lactobacillus Casei Shirota strain in Yakult was used as the seed, while Lactobacillus kefiri and Lactobacillus acidophilus were selected as the seed in the designated experiment (phase II). In phase II, Lactobacillus kefiri and Lactobacillus acidophilus were used separately to start up fermentations at two different moisture contents, 70% and 90%. Additionally, tests of using the mixed culture of the above two species were conducted at 70% and 90% moisture contents consequently. The results showed that more protein component was observed in product of the converting test of 90% moisture, and higher concentration of lactic acid appeared in the converting test of 70% moisture. In comparison of the efficiency of Lactobacillus, the results indicated that fermentations of Lactobacillus acidophilus on the 21st day and mixed Lactobacillus sp. on the 14th day, 36% of the highest protein content and higher crude fat content could be obtained for both at 90% moisture content.