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The Effect on Skin Temperature by Different Design of Cooling Vests


長時間處於高溫高熱的環境下容易增加熱疾病的風險,因此冷卻服飾相關產品推陳出新,但卻較少有研究探討冷卻服飾的功效,因此本研究對結合對流與傳導的冷卻背心進行功能性驗證。方法:將環境溫度設定在29±2℃,穿著冷卻背心進行兩個半小時低運動量測試,其中每20分鐘收測一次資料,其中包含使用自製的溫度感測器,收測胸口、腋下、背部的體表溫度,以及量測心跳、血壓與耳溫。使用重複量數二因子變異數分析進行比較,顯著水準設為p=.05。結果:不同設計的冷卻背心與一般背心相比都未有顯著差異,腋下的體表溫度顯著高於背部(33.6℃ vs 32.7℃,p=.017)。結論:冷卻背心在低運動量的狀態下功效有限,但穿著冷卻背心對於背部的降溫效果較好,腋下的降溫效果較差,此結果可做為日後的冷卻背心改良的參考依據之一。


冷卻背心 微氣候 熱傷害

Parallel abstracts

Determine the effect of different cooling vests on the skin temperature. Methods: Six participants wore the cooling vest for 160 minutes with low physical activity. The temperature sensors were used to measure the chest, armpit and back temperature in hot environment. Two-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Results: No significant difference was found among different cooling vests. The temperature of armpit was higher than back (33.6℃ vs 32.7℃, p=.017). Conclusions: The cooling effect of back was better than armpit. This result can be used as a reference for future design of cooling vest.
