  • 期刊


Multi-resolution MBMS System with MIMO Scheme


本篇論文主要提出一個結合多天線技術與階層式調變結合的調變傳輸模式,此新的調變模式適合用在多媒體廣播服務,因為它可以提供多解析度傳輸。一個多媒體的資料通常會經由資料的編碼將原本的多媒體訊息壓縮成不同解析度的資料,例如(MPEG壓縮技術)。此壓縮技術會把多媒體資料壓縮成基本資料,用以提供標準畫質的資料;以及增強資料,用以提供高畫質的資料。在本論文中,我們會提出一個新的結合多天線技術與階層式調變結合的調變傳輸模式,藉由此新方法提供一個多媒體廣播服務(MBMS)的訊號給所有用戶端,用戶端可以根據自己目前所處的環境訊號的強弱來決定自己是否只能看標準畫質的服務還是可以播放高畫質的服務。例如用戶端如果處在接收訊號比較強的環境,此用戶可以使用空間多工(spatial multiplexing;SM)的接收技術同時接收基本資料與增強資料,可以用來看高畫質的服務,反之如果用戶端處在接收訊號比較弱的環境,此用戶可以使用傳送多樣性(transmit diversity;TxD)的接收技術只接收基本資料,可以用來收看標準畫質的服務。另外,所提出的新調變方式也可以適應不同用戶有不同數量的天線,只有一根天線的用戶只能接收標準畫質的服務,而多天線的用戶可以根據所處環境的訊號強弱決定是否可以收看高畫質的服務。


In this paper, a multi-resolution E-MBS transmission with MIMO is presented. The proposed new MIMO transmission scheme is suitable for multi-resolution E-MBS transmission. A multi-media data can be separated by source encoding (like MPEG) into two information streams. One is basic information stream providing basic quality information and the other enhancing information stream provided higher quality information. In this paper we propose a new MIMO scheme to transmit MBMS service to enable the user equipment (UEs) devices with high signal-to-interference ration (SINR) to decode both basic information and enhanced information while UEs with less SINR can only decode base information. When UEs have better SINR scenario, they can use spatial multiplexing (SM) detector to decode both basic information and enhanced information. When UEs have less SINR scenario, they can use transmit diversity (TxD) detector to decode only basic information. Another merit of this proposed method is that base stations (BSs) can transmit MBMS service to satisfy UEs with different number of antenna. UEs with one antenna can decode base information only and UEs with multiple antenna can decide to decode both basic information and enhanced information or only basic information based on SINR or error performance. In this paper, a multi-resolution E-MBS transmission with MIMO is presented to adapt to different MSs conditions, i.e. number of antenna in a MS, or SINR in a MS.
