  • 期刊


A Survey of Junior High School Science Teachers' Views about the Philosophy of Science


本研究旨在利用研究者自行編製之「國民中學科學教師科學觀點問卷」爲工具,探究我國(包括台灣省、臺北市與高雄市)國民中學自然科學教師(包括生物、理化與地球科學教師)所持有之科學觀點的類型及分佈情形,並利用卡方攷驗分析不同性別、服務年資、任教科目及最高學曆的科學教師,其科學哲學觀點的差異情形。問卷的主題分爲兩大部份,第一部分爲科學哲學觀點,分爲科學方法、觀察的本質、科學知識發展的組型、科學與非科學知識的判凖、科學知識的地位與科學企業的形像六個層面。第二部份包括教學哲學知識背景兩個層面。調查的母群爲台灣地區國民中漟所有的生物、理化與地球科學教師。根據教育部公佈的班級數估算母群約爲7483w ,抽樣人數定爲母群的十分之一。研究者以縣市爲分層隨機抽樣的單位,各縣市部班級數爲比例,訂定各縣市的樣本數,共寄出問卷748份,回收問卷677份,回收率90.5%。調查結果顯示,科學教師除了在‘科學知識發展的組型’層面較支持巴柏的演化觀點之外,在其他層面皆以邏輯實證主義的觀點較佔多數。女性教師在‘科學企業的形像’層面表現出較偏向傳統的觀點;年資在二十年以上的教師比其他教師較傾向傳統觀點;不同任教科目及不同最高學曆的教師在科學哲學觀點上未有顯著的差異。




The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school science teachers' views about the philosophy of science, using a seif-de-veloped questionnaire. In addition to finding out the distributions of science teachers' views about the philosophy of science, the differ-ences between the views of science teachers with different sex, numbersof years of teaching experiences, subject taught, and educational background were also investigated. The questionnaire developed in this study consisted two main parts. The first part deals with the philosophy of science and is composedof six aspects: the methods of scientific enquiry, the nature of obser-vation, the patterns of development of science, the demarcation of science and nonscience, the status of knowledge of science, and the image of scientific enterprise. The other part is composed of two aspects: teaching practices and background of knowledge about philosophy of science. The population surveyed in this study included biology, physics-chemistry, and earth science teachers of the junior high schools in Taiwan Area. The number of samples selected by proportion sampling was 748,and the number of responses was 677. Therateof recovery was 90.5%. Results of the survey may be summarized as follow: (1)Except that in the patterns of development of science the views of science teachers were in agreement with the views of Popper, thescience teachers' views in the other aspects of the questionnaire were mostly consistent with those of logical positivism. (2)The views of female teachers in the image of scientific enterprise were more traditional than those of male teachers. (3)The views of teachers with more than 20 years of teaching experiences were more traditional than the other teachers. (4)Between teachers who teach different subjects or have different educational background, there were no significant difference in their views about the philosophy of science.




張文馨(2015)。發展與應用二段式診斷測驗工具探討 國中學生壓力之迷思概念〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500284
