  • 期刊


Learning to Teach by Doing Research in Instructional Setting: A Method of Mathematics Teacher Preparation


本研究從「教師即研究者」、「教學即解題」與「學習乃概念之改變」的理念出發,在建構主義與認知心理學的引導下,研究者利用一門數學系四年級的選修課-「數學教學研究」情境,並將研究的概念引,為數學科職前教師營造一個符合建構主義理念的學習入職前師資培育的課程中,以瞭解職前教師如何經由教學研究的實作歷程學習教數學,此即本研究所謂之「以教學研究實作為取向的建構式師資培育方式」;而本研究主要目的即是根據職前教師在教學研究過程中之數學教學認知的轉變,以及對於學習情境的反應,探究此師資培育方式之有效性,並進一步提出未來實施的新藍圖。 本研究採用符號互動論與現象學做為分析與詮釋資料的理論基礎,用來解析職前教師有關數學教學方面的認知。針對課室觀察、課復晤談所蒐集而得的資料以及相關文件進行分析復,獲得下列四項主要發現: l 、數學科職前教師的數學教學認知,甚至學習教學的態度在教學研究實作的歷程中發生了改變;然而,此改變並非全面性的,而是與其教學研究實作的情境有關。 2 、模擬教學並錄影、課堂分組討論、輕鬆的上課氣氛、多樣化的上課方式、問卷和晤談、協同教學等學習情境的安排,普遍受到修課的數學科職前教師的喜愛;惟若能延長課程時間,以及增加應用理論的實例,則更有利於職前教師學習。至於研究法方面的問題,則是數學科職前教師在進行教學研究時最主要的研究困境。 3 、數學科職前教師的數學教學認知與其教學研究實作以及研究者所佈置的學習情境三者間是交相互動的。 4 、利用「以教學研究實作為取向的建構式師資培育方式」引導數學科職前教師學習教學是一個可行的途逕。 本研究最後並綜合各項發現為「以教學研究實作為取向的建構式師資式」提出新藍圖:以數學教學研究實作為主軸貫穿整個課程,利用符合建構培育方奪主義理念的學習活動,融入數學教學研究實作所需的相關概念作為學習內容,並配合多樣的評量方法,循序漸進地為職前教師建構學習鷹架,以達到「引導數學科職前教師學習教數學暨提昇其數學教學問題之解題能力」的目標;另並輔以「點、線、面法則」的施行,以促成職前教師對於數學教學的相關問題有更全面性的理解。




With theoretical perspectives based on ideas such as “teacher as a researcher”, “teaching as problem solving”, and “learning as conceptual change”, this study was carried out in the context of a two credit hour course called “Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning” , which was designed for the senior mathematics majors. The main purpose of this course was to provide the pre-service teachers a constructivist learning environment allowing them to carry out research studies on the teaching and learning of mathematics. It was expected that this would lead the pre-service teachers to thinking about instructions in mathematics in greater depth, and therefore enhancing their abilities in solving problems related to the teaching of mathematics. This is what the researcher called “the research-based constructivist teacher preparation”. The purposes of this study were to investigate the processes through which 11 pre-service mathematics teachers learned how to teach by conducting research studies o n mathematics teaching and learning, and to understand the responses of these pre-service teachers about this course. A new blueprint of this method of teacher preparation was developed according by both above. Theoretical perspectives from symbolic interactionism and phenomenology were adopted by the researcher in an attempt to understand the cognition about mathematics teaching and learning of these pre-service teachers. Qualitative research techniques were used to collect and analyze the data. Triangulation of multiple data sources were used to validate the results. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The cognition about mathematics teaching and learning of pre-service teachers changed gradually while they were conducting the research. The resulting change was nevertheless far from being an overall change, its nature and extent depended o n the research context that each pre-service teacher had experienced; 2) Research methodology was the main difficulty confronted by the pre-service teachers when they were conducting researches. Among the learning contexts that were provided by this course, their favorite ones were micro-teaching, group discussion s, the unrestricted climate, the diversity of teaching methods in this course, questionnaires and interviews, and so on; 3) It was found that “pre-service teachers’ cognition about mathematics teaching and 1 earning”, “the research designs that the pre-service teachers conducted”, and “the 1 earning context researcher arranged” were mutually related; 4) It was shown that “the research-based constructivist teacher preparation” was practicable. Finally, a new blueprint of this method of mathematics teacher preparation was also drawn out according to above findings.


