  • 期刊


A Study of Conceptual Change Teaching Strategy Used in Middle School Biology Classes


大部份的學生在學習科學知識時,總是一知半解,未能將知識真正內化到個人的知識架構之中,然而今日中小學自然科的教育重點已由強調知識的背誦轉變為知識的真正理解,學者們也陸續提出各種概念改變教學策略,以協助學生達真正的理解。本研究對於Driver and 01dham所提出的概念改變教學策略很有興趣,故以其理論為基礎,選擇我國國中生物科進行《 呼吸作用 》之概念改變教學,探討學生在教學前有何另有概念,教學完成復概念改變成效又如何,以及實施概念改變教學時,教師之教學呈現如何。本研究共邀請三位任教於彰化地區的國中生物教師(一位資深,兩位初任)參與研究,請其施行概念改變教學策略,另外邀請兩位生物教師,請其施行傳統講述教學策略。而參與研究的班級總共有八個班,分佈於三所國中。 教學前對學生施予《 呼吸作用 》之兩段式問卷(前測),協助三位預備施行概念改變教學策略之共同參與者瞭解Driver and 01dham(1986)所提出的五階段概念改教學策略模型。到真正進行《 呼吸作用 》之教學時,研究者進入施行概念改變教學策略之教室現場蒐集資料,以分析共同參與者進行概念改變教學時之教學模式。教學後立即施予相同的兩段式問卷(後測),並與學生晤談;教學結束一捆月後又再次相同的之兩段式問卷(延宏測驗),也與共同參與者晤談。 研究結束後,發現: 1.三位共同參與者實施概念改變教學策略時,雖大致呈現概念改變教學之各步驟,但並無法完全符合Driver and 01dham(1986)所提的CLIS模式。其主要的影響因素可能為參與研究教師對學生可能會發生的反應不夠瞭解,所以教學活動設計有些疏失。另外常規處理、講授的教材難度深淺…等等也有可能是影響因素之一。 2 .從前後測與延宕測驗之分析來看,學生對「細胞呼吸的定義」、「食物的本質、食物的功能、能源、能量的轉換」等兩項主題的另有概念較易發生轉變,但是對「物質的轉換」、「控制呼吸速率的因子」、「呼吸運動(吸氣和呼氣究竟是如何發生的)」等三項主題的另有概念則較不易發生轉變。 3.在進行差異性顯著性考驗時,實驗組與控制組在後側及延宕測驗,都未達顯著差異,顯示概念改變教學成效未如預期顯著。 根據本研究之結果,提出下列幾項建議: 1.培養參與研究教師對CLIS教學模式之體認與實施能力,擴大教學之成效。 2.概念改變教學成效也可由調查學生對生物科學習態度方向著手。 3.概念改變教學成效應可從延宕測驗中繼續追蹤。 4.對課程與教學的建議:設計教學活動要盡量生活化,精心設計的教學活動發生的狀況,盡量避免影響學習的負面因素;編寫課程或教師自己在教學時可將相關章節統整起來進行教學較佳。




Most students learn science without true understanding that reveals students do not internalize science into their individual cognitive structure. However, an objective of science education currently stresses the importance of meaningful learning rather than, learning by rote. Many science educators suggest various conceptual teaching strategies to help students learn science. This study investigates the effect of a conceptual teaching strategy, based on the theory of Driver and Oldham (1986), on student learning biology in middle school. The study was attempted to answer the questions, such as (1) what alternative conception students have? (2) How the effect of a conceptual teaching strategy on the students learning? (3) How do the teachers implement a conceptual teaching strategy? The unit of respiration of biology lesson in junior high school was selected for this investigation. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. We invited five biology teachers participated in the study. Two of them are experienced biology teachers. The other three are beginning teachers. The experimental group as well as the control group includes one experienced teacher, two beginning teachers, and their classes. The teachers assigned in the experimental group were trained to adopt the conceptual teaching strategy in their classes; on the other hand, the teachers in the control group were expected to use traditional expository teaching. Each participated teacher adopted only one teaching strategy, except one of the beginning teachers who used two different strategies with two classes. Totally, eight classes in three schools participated in this study. Three classes were assigned into the control group, and the other five classes were assigned into the experimental group. Data collection include pre, post, and one-month delay tests by using a self-developed two-tier diagnostic test to collect alternative conceptions on respiration of the participated students before and after the lessons. Interview, classroom observation, and videotapings are also collected as multiple sources for data triangulation. The findings of the study indicate that  1. The students have some alternative conceptions on respiration. Some of them are easier to be changed, such as the definition of respiration, and the energy of food. But some are not, such as material transformation, respiration control, and the action to breathe. 2. The conceptual teaching strategy used in this study, though make the experimental group get higher scores on the post, and delay tests than the control group has, shows no significant effect on the student learning overall. 3. There are some factors influence that the teachers implement the conceptual teaching strategy, such as classroom management, degree of difficulty of learning material, and limitation of teaching activities. Based on the findings of the study, we suggest that 1. To see the effect of teaching, the participated teachers should enhance their teaching strategy, the student attitude toward biology should be investigated, and the delay test should be done longer after the lesson. 2. Further study should stress on factors that influence the implement of the conceptual teaching strategy, avoid them for getting better effect of teaching.




