  • 期刊


The Study of Factors Influencing the Teaching Change of a Secondary Math Teacher—The Analysis of Its Practicality and Effects from the Standpoint of the Researcher as a Collaborator


本研究以合作的方式協助國中數學教師進行建構教學,旨在探討與第一線教師合作進行建構教學的可能性與有效性,期間辨識出阻礙教師教學改變的因素,從中研擬解決之道并付諸實行,最後分析出影響教師教學改變的因素。研究采行動研究的方式,循著「計畫、行動、觀察、檢討」的流程進行,資料來源有:現場觀察、晤談、上課錄影、錄音、畫面轉錄、研究日誌等,并利用三角校正法對於前述資料進行交叉檢驗,以提高本研究的效度。 研究發現以合作協助者之立場作為有助於個案教師在教學上正向轉變有下列幾項因素: 一、教師學習且願意向學生學習:在有意識地向學生學習如何教好他們的過程中,這樣的學習行為反過來促成了個案教師學科教學知識的成長。 二、教師在教學情境與學習社群中學習:個案教師是在教學情境中從「做(教)中學」,學習如何運用多種表徵設計學習單、如何為學生搭造鷹架、如何帶領學生進行數學活動等。此外,個案教師進行MTO教學比賽的學習社群,和其他有心改進教學的教師相互討論、分享與觀摩,在改變中成長。 三、協助者應選擇恰當的題材切入:研究者以學生可能遭遇到的學習困難與可能產生的迷思概念和個案教師討論教學的策略,由於他認為學生的學習成效即為教師教學的成效,因此個案教師樂於探討學習困難以及錯誤的建構本質。 四、協助教師識別其教學問題:研究者與MTO的評審委員皆從實地觀察個案教師的教學,明确指出其學習單設計或是教學技巧方面的問題,并提出具體的建議。由於我們的建議都有實質的內容而非空談,因此他願意接受這些建議。 五、情意上的支持:研究者和個案教師長期合作進行建構教學,共同設計、製作和修改學習單,在個案教師遭遇到困難或是挫折時給予鼓勵、情意上提供支持。 本研究試著分析出阻礙個案教師進行建構教學的可能因素,并提出可行的協助方式。期能做為從事建構教學教師參考,同時也提供有心協助國中數學教師進行建構教學者具體可行的作法。


This action research, carried out by the cooperation between the researcher with a participating teacher, is aimed to investigate the practicality and its effects on introducing constructivist teaching into the case-teacher's math classroom. It is also aimed at identifying the factors that might have hampered the teacher's intention for change during the study. Four steps—plan, action, observation and reflection have been proceeded to collect the original data which include information from classroom observation, interviews, field notes and some relevant documents. The data were analysed in ways of triangulation by cross-examining detail information to enhance the validity of the study. Five factors that might have contributed to the change of the case-teacher's teaching were identified. 1. The learning from students. When the case-teacher was aware of that he could learn from his students about how to teach them better, this kind of awareness in turn improved his pedagogical content knowledge. 2. The learning in teaching context and learning community. The case-teacher has been learning by doing (teaching) in the following cases. He learned how to design worksheets with multiple representations, how to construct a temporary conceptual framework (scaffolding) for his students, and how to prompt his students in doing math activities. Apart from that, he took part in the learning community of MTO. He was noticed to have made his growth of pedagogical knowledge through observing, discussing and sharing educational ideas with other members of the MTO. 3. The selection of proper topics for discussion. In this study students’ learning difficulties and misconceptions were selected as problems to discuss and solve. This, considered by the case-teacher as practical approaches, seemed to encourage him to learn more about his students' learning difficulties and the nature of their misconstructions. 4. The identification of the shortcomings of his teaching. The researcher and committee of MTO indicated the shortcomings that have presented in the case-teacher's worksheets and classroom teaching. He seemed to be pleased to accept the comments because the points proposed by the researcher and MTO members were not merely verbal statements but with practical teaching strategies. 5. The moral support from the researcher. In terms of cooperation the researcher gave his support to the case-teacher from time to time. It has been shown that this kind of support has helped the case-teacher overcome difficulties encountered and frustration throughout the study. It has also been shown that the growth of pedagogical knowledge and the effort of putting constructivist teaching into practice of the researcher in the study.


劉芷源(2010)。運用教師社群發展國小數學教師TPCK 之行動研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000227
