

穿耳洞(ear-piercing)的併發症包括耳殼軟骨炎、耳垂分裂(split earlobe)、耳垂瘢痕肥厚(hypertrophic scar)及耳垂瘢痕瘤(earlobe keloid)。耳垂瘢痕瘤酷似耳垂腫瘤(earlobe neoplasm),影響外觀,手術切除後復發率高。本科於2005年9月15日經歷1名23歲女性,主訴半年來左側耳垂出現持續成長的堅實腫塊,求診時已達3.5×3×2.5 cm,手術切除後病理切片報告為耳垂瘢痕瘤。由於東方人的耳垂瘢痕瘤並不多見,故提出此病例報告。


The complications of ear-piercing include perichondritis of the pinna, a split earlobe, hypertrophic scarring and earlobe keloid. Earlobe keloids, like earlobe neoplasms, cause an obvious cosmetic problem and have a high recurrence rate after surgical excision. A 23-year-old female presented at our department with a lobular firm mass. The tumor had occurred seven years after ear-piercing and had continued to grow for six months. By the time of consultation, the tumor had reached 3.5cm×3cm×2.5cm in size. After a scheduled surgical excision, the pathology revealed an earlobe keloid. Such earlobe keloids are rare in Orientals and therefore we present here this rare case of earlobe keloid after ear-piercing.


earlobe keloid earlobe neoplasm ear-piercing
