



血管瘤 中鼻甲


Although hemangioma is common in the head and neck, its occurrence in the nasal cavity is rare. The classic histological classification of hemangiomas consist of capillary, cavernous and mixed type. The capillary hemangioma usually arises from the nasal septum while the cavernous type is mostly seen in the lateral nasal wall. In this paper we report a rare case of middle nasal turbinate cavernous hemangioma successfully excised under video telescopic guidance. A 60 year-old male presented with left side epistaxis for about 1 week. There is no history of nasal trauma. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed a red polypoid mass that bled easily when touched lightly impinging on the septum and upper nasal cavity. Sinus CT with contrast enhancement revealed a 2.6×1.5 cm well-defined, lobular enhancing mass at the left nasal cavity. Under video-endoscopic guidance the tumor was found to be originated from middle nasal turbinate. Therefore the tumor was removed precisely with partial middle turbinectomy and blood loss was minimal during operation. Pathological examination revealed typical cavernous hemangioma with thrombosis and blood clots within the vascular lumens. There was no evidence of recurrence for 1 year after operation.


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