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Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue Base


乳突狀鱗狀上皮細胞癌(papillary squamous cell carcinoma)爲醫學文獻中罕見疾病,發生率占所有頭頸腫瘤不到0.1%,目前尚未有標準化的治療模式。本病例是1名50歲男性因爲喉嚨異物感及持續疼痛,於2001年6月5日至本院耳鼻喉部求診;咽喉鏡檢查發現在舌根處有一粉紅色外凸性乳突狀腫塊。病患經由喉內視鏡二氧化碳雷射完整切除後,切片病理診斷竟然爲舌根部乳突狀鱗狀上皮細胞癌,於本院門診追蹤5年迄今(2007年5月)已6年,情況良好,並無復發情形。本病例顯示,舌根部乳突狀鱗狀上皮細胞癌不像一般的鱗狀上皮細胞癌般的惡性,早期的舌根部乳突狀鱗狀上皮細胞癌或許只作局部廣泛性切除即可,不需加作預防性頸部淋巴廓清術和術後放療。


Papillary squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) of tongue base is rarely reoported in literature. The incidence of PSCC is below 0.1% of head and neck tumor. The treatment for this disease is not yet standardized. In this report, a fifty years old male patient came for help in June, 2001 due to prolonged sore throat and lump sensation. Flexible laryngoscopy revealed a pink exophytic tumor over tongue base and the pathologic report after endoscopic CO2 laser wide excision was PSCC of tongue base. After regular follow-up for five years there was no tumor recurrence until now (May 31, 2007). It seems that PSCC of tongue base is not as malignant as tongue base squamous cell carcinoma, perhaps prophylactic neck dissection and post-operative adjuvant radiotherapy are not necessary after endoscopic CO2 laser excision of early stage tongue base tumor.
