  • 期刊


Comparison of the Efficacy of a Once-daily Loratadine-pseudoephedrine Combination with that of a Twicedaily Loratadine-pseudoephedrine Combination in the Treatment of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis


背景:治療過敏性鼻炎的藥物,以抗組織胺類爲首選用藥。Loratadine屬於第二代抗組織胺藥物,能夠有效減輕過敏性鼻炎的症狀包括鼻子發癢、打噴嚏及流鼻水。血管收縮劑pseudoephedrine則常用來緩解鼻塞。此兩種藥物的複方已爲目前治療過敏性鼻炎的常用藥物之一。本研究在探討每日1錠之上述複方用於治療常年型過敏性鼻炎的療效。 方法:收集常年型過敏性鼻炎的患者參加本研究。將受試者隨機的編入實驗組或對照組,實驗組受試者給予兩個星期的loratadine 10 mg-pseudoephedrine 240 mg複方,每日1錠治療,對照組受試者給予兩個星期的loratadine 5 mg -pseudoephedrine 120 mg複方,每日2錠治療。比較治療前後過敏性鼻炎症狀〈流鼻水、鼻癢、鼻塞、眼睛搔癢、及打噴嚏〉改善程度及醫師和受試者評估治療整體反應來評估療效。同時紀錄受試者任何不良反應事件的發生。 結果:共有50名受試者以隨機方式分派至兩個組別,其中有6名受試者未完整參與研究,實驗組與對照組各有22名受試者完成本研究。兩組受試者在接受兩個星期的治療後,過敏性鼻炎的症狀皆有顯著改善,但改善程度在兩組之間並沒有差別。不良反應事件的發生在兩組之間也相當,並無嚴重不良事件發生。藥物順應性每日1錠(78%)比每日2錠(70%)稍好。 結論:本研究顯示loratadine 10 mg-pseudoephedrine 240 mg複方每日1錠及loratadine 5 mg –pseudoephedrine 120 mg複方每日2錠均能有效改善常年型過敏性鼻炎的症狀,改善程度在兩者並無差異,但使用每日1錠的順應性比每日2錠來得稍好。


BACKGROUND: The combination of loratadine and pseudoephedrine has become one of commonly used drugs for treating allergic rhinitis. The purpose of this study is going to compare the efficacy of a once-daily loratadine-pseudoephedrine combination with that of a twice-daily loratadine-pseudoephedrine combination in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis. METHOD: Patients with perennial allergic rhinitis were enrolled in this study. They were randomly assigned into the experimental or contrast groups. Patients in the experimental group were treated by a loratadine 10 mg-pseudoephedrine 240 mg combination once a day for two weeks, and those in the contrast group were treated by a loratadine 5 mg-pseudoephedrine 120 mg combination twice a day for two weeks. The treatment efficacy was evaluated by the improvement of symptoms of allergic rhinitis (rhinorrhea, nasal itching, nasal obstruction, eye itching and sneezing) and global responses to treatment by physicians and patients. Adverse events were recorded too. RESULT: Fifty patients were enrolled in this study and randomized to the experimental or contrast groups. Six patients did not complete the study, and both experimental and contrast groups had 22 patients, who completed the study. After two-week treatment, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis were significantly improved in both groups, but the improvement was not different between two groups. The occurrence of adverse events was not different between two groups either, and no serious adverse event occurred in this study. The drug compliance was better for once-daily dosage (78%) than twicedaily dosage (70%). CONCLUSION: This study showed that both a once-daily and a twice-daily loratadinepseudoephedrine combinations were able to treat effectively perennial allergic rhinitis. The efficacy was not different between two combinations, but once-daily dosage had better compliance than twice-daily dosage.