  • 期刊


Vertigo Caused by Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction with a Prodrome of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in the Contralateral Ear




Although cerebellar infarction accounts for only 3% of stroke cases, it is a causative factor of one of the most challenging forms of vertigo for otorhinolaryngologists. The symptoms and signs of this form of vertigo resemble those of other peripheral vestibulopathies and cochlear disorders. Further, in patients with this condition, general neurological examinations may yield normal findings and otoneurological investigations may reveal some trivial abnormalities. In patients with prodromata, cerebellar infarction can mimic recurrent inner-ear diseases or sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Therefore, for correct diagnosis, careful examination of the patient's medical history, thorough otoneurological investigations and understanding of the risk factors of stroke is essential. Here, we present a case of a vertiginous patient with infarction in the territory of medial branch of posterior inferior cerebellar artery and a prodrome of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in the contralateral ear. We discuss the differential diagnosis of vertigo between cerebellar infarction and peripheral causes.
