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增殖性筋膜炎為纖維增殖之自限性疾病,臨床表現為一生長快速之皮下腫塊,主要好發於40歲以上成年人,發生部位最常見於四肢,於頭頸部區域者較為少見。本科於2010年3月經歷l名42歲女性,主訴左頸部腫塊至本科求診,經手術摘除後,冷凍切片報告懷疑為惡性肉瘤,最終病理報告顯示為增殖性筋膜炎。門診追蹤至今並無復發跡象。(台耳醫誌 2012; 47:81-84)

Parallel abstracts

Proliferative fasciitis is a self-limiting fibrotic proliferative lesion with a relatively rapid growing course. The lesion commonly affected adults between 40 to 70 years of age. Extremities were most commonly affected, with rare involvement in the head and neck region. We presented a case of 42-year-old female with left neck mass. After surgical removal, sarcoma was highly suspected in the initial frozen section report. The final histopathological diagnosis was proliferative fasciitis. The patient remained stable and free of recurrence after complete excision of the tumor. (J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 47:81-84)

Parallel keywords

proliferative fasciitis neck tumor


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