  • 期刊


Geniculate Ganglion Meningioma in a Child


顏面神經麻痺的原因很多,幼兒最常見的是特發性顏面神經麻痺,腫瘤則比較少見。根據文獻記載,顏面神經的膝狀神經節(geniculate ganglion)腦膜瘤病例總數為17例。由於腦膜瘤的復發率很高,所以在治療方面以完整的手術切除為主。本病例為10個月大的女嬰發生左側顏面神經麻痺,經類固醇藥物治療及復健治療後,症狀獲得部份改善。2歲時左側顏面神經麻痺復發,高解析電腦斷層顯示左側顏面神經的膝狀神經節擴大,病患接受左側顏面神經減壓及腫瘤切除手術,病理報告為腦膜瘤。術後3個月腦部核磁共振攝影顯示左側中耳腔有腫瘤復發,於是病患接受左側中耳腔腫瘤大範圍切除。術後1年的腦部核磁共振攝影顯示無腫瘤復發。(台耳醫誌 2012; 47:85-88)


The etiology of facial palsy is various. In children, the most common is idiopathic facial palsy and tumor is rare. 17 cases of geniculate ganglion meningioma have been reported in literature. Complete surgical excision is the main choice because of high recurrence rate of meningioma. We report a 10-month-old girl who suffered from left facial palsy. Her facial palsy had improved partially after steroid therapy and rehabilitation. Left facial palsy recurred when she was two years old. High resolution computed tomography revealed expansion of left geniculate ganglion. She underwent left site facial nerve decompression and tumor excision. Pathologic report revealed meningioma. 3-month postoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed left middle ear tumor recurrence. Then, she underwent wide excision of left middle ear tumor. 1-year postoperative brain MRI revealed no recurrence of tumor. (J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 47:85-88)


facial palsy geniculate ganglion meningioma
