  • 期刊


Outcome of Vibrant Sound Bridge Implantation in Mandarin Users


背景:過往有關中耳植入系統(Vibrant Soundbridge; VSB)的研究著重於非華語使用者的使用成效及滿意度,鮮少描述華語使用者的狀況,且並無相關文獻探討使用者對於VSB的成效及滿意度外,並以問卷瞭解使用者對於此系統的抱怨程度及項目。方法:本研究採回溯研究法,收集2010至2013年間於振興醫院進行VSB手術個案,共計8名,所有個案皆符合VSB植入標準,術後6周後開機,使用1個月後,填寫助聽器音效抱怨量表,並針對反應的狀況進行周整,之後在使用2周以上再調查個案滿意度的部份,每一階段皆會進行純音及聲場聽力檢查,所有資料將以無母數統計方法進行分析。結果:個案術前及術後祼耳聽力表現沒有顯著差異存在,對於華語使用者,VSB可提供感音型聽損個案10-30 DBHL增益量,傳導或混合型聽損個案45-55 dBHL增益量,平均抱怨程度約為44.875分,主要抱怨項目集中於輸出音量過大的部分,經調整後,整體滿意度為74.375分。結果:對於使用華語的VSB個案,VSB同樣為一案全且有效益有系統,而個案對於VSB抱怨主要來自於適應的問題,建議後續可再收集更多個案並發展適合中耳植入系統的抱怨量表,以使整個系統表現更臻完善。


中耳植入系統 華語 抱怨


Background: The current studies of middle ear implant-Vibrant Sound Bridge (VSB) mainly focused on the benefits and satisfactions in non-mandarin users. However, no data regarding complaints and adjustments and very few experiences of mandarin users of this device were found during literature review. In this study, we aimed to discuss the benefits, satisfactions, complaints and management of VSB in mandarin users in Taiwan. Methods: This retrospective study enrolled 8 VSB implantees in Cheng-Hsin General hospital from 2010 to 2013. All subjects received audiological, medical and radiological evaluation pre-operatively to ensure their candidacy of the VSB surgery. The device was switched on 6 weeks post-operatively. These patients had PTA and sound field test and fulfilled the questionnaire about the complaints and satisfaction after 4 and 6 weeks use of VSB. The adjustment of the device was performed according to their complaints and audiological data. Results: No statistically significant difference of unaided hearing threshold was found pre- and post-operatively. The functional gain in SNHL is 10-30 dBHL while 45-55 dBHL in CHL or MHL cases. The average score of complaint was 44.875 over 188, generally gathered up in "too much gain and output". After adjustment, the satisfaction was 74.375 over 100. Conclusions: VSB is a safe and beneficial middle ear implant system for mandarin users. The complaints of this device generally resulted from adaptation and could be managed successfully. In the future, more cases should be collected for further analysis and the distinctive satisfaction and complaint questionnaire for VSB may be needed.


Vibrant Soundbridge Mandarin complaints
