



黏膜黑色素瘤 鼻腔 鼻血 鼻塞


Mucosal malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is a rare but very aggressive neoplasm. It's frequently presented with unilateral nasal obstruction and epistaxis, like the present case. In the majority of patients, nasal mucosal malignant melanoma arises from lateral nasal wall or the septum. In our patient, the tumor arose from nasal cavity with invasion of inferior turbinate. The diagnosis may be easy in melanotic malignant melanoma but more difficult when melanin is absent. As a result, a series of immunohistochemical profile of malignant melanoma is needed to make the diagnosis. To reflect this disease's aggressive behavior and poor outcome, no T1 and T2 lesions exist according to the 7th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC). Complete surgical resection with a wide margin is the cornerstone for sinonasal mucosal malignant melanoma. Adjuvant radiotherapy may reduce the likelihood of local and regional recurrence. Incomplete resection, tumor location, and volume have been reported to be predictors of survival. In this case, she received endoscopic excision of the nasal tumor and then medial maxillectomy to make sure that there was no remnant melanoma. The reported 5-year overall or disease-specific survival is still poor, whereas this patient was still free of disease during a 4-year follow-up.


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