  • 期刊

Strategic Planning and Dysfunction: The Dark Side of Mandating a Formal Planning System



中程施政計畫制度的內容雖為中央統一的設計,但各部會的組織文化、管理制度,甚至首長的領導風格不同,均可能影響其運作。為了進一步了解中程施政計畫制度的執行狀況,本研究以五個早於民國八十七年就已先行推動此制度的試辦機關為研究對象,深入記錄其執行經驗,進而探討各機關發展其策略計畫的過程。 本研究採用針對關鍵人物的半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集的方法。研究資料的分析則以策略管理的主要面向為基礎,亦即以1. 策略思考的過程、2. SWOT分析、3. 利害關係人的參與、4. 績效評估系統的建立,5. 計畫的執行,以及6. 機關計畫與預算的結合(Bryson, 1995)做為分析各機關中程施政計畫制度之執行經驗的理論架構。根據本研究的發現,雖然所有的行政院所屬機關都是根據研考會所頒發的編審作業規定來訂定其機關中程施政計畫的內容,各機關執行此新規劃系統的程度與過程卻與原規定的精神大異其趣。本文歸納許多各機關執行策略規劃的通病,並於最後提供未來的管理建議。


Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Literature Review Ⅲ. Methods Ⅳ. Findings: Strategic Planning Processes in the Pilot Agencies Ⅴ. Discussion and Conclusion Strategic planning is believed to be different from traditional long-range planning in that it is ”a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it” (Bryson, 1995: 5). While public managers in the central government of Taiwan are mandated to undertake strategic planning on a regular basis, few are sure about what exactly strategic planning is, let alone how to implement strategic planning. This study addresses this void by examining how agency administrators influence, and are influenced by, agency institutional and environmental conditions in the implementation of strategic planning initiatives. It identifies the key organizational conditions that facilitate and inhibit strategic planning efforts and discusses implications for generalizing these observations to other settings.


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