  • 期刊


Evaluating the Topical Connection between E-Government and Public Administration Research: An Exploratory Study


從世界許多重要國際組織紛紛設立專責機構,發表電子化政府的評估指標可以看出,實務界目前對於電子化政府的重視程度;然而,公共行政學界與實務界之間,對此主題上的對話,似乎仍未全面展開。本研究的最主要目的,即從過去電子化政府的相關研究中,藉由尋找電子化政府與公共行政理論之間的議題連結,釐清電子化政府研究在公共行政領域中的定位以及價值,進而提出未來電子化政府研究所應面對的關鍵議題(big questions)。 本文所使用的方法為質化的後設分析(qualitative meta-analysis)方式,即從近十年公共行政類別的SSCI期刊共約7000篇論文中,尋找與電子化政府研究相關的論文,並藉由對文章的內容進行分析,歸納文章的公共行政屬性類別,藉此找出電子化政府與公共行政理論之間的連結。 研究結果發現,目前電子化政府研究雖然已大致涵蓋公共行政研究的傳統領域,但從數量上來看,相對於其他公共行政研究,電子化政府研究仍佔非常低的比例(約1.5%),而從議題上來看,首先,現階段電子化政府所關注的公共行政議題,是以組織與管理為主,再者,民主的議題,近來則是慢慢開始與電子化政府研究進行結合,最後,電子化政府研究則較少觸及公共政策的相關議題。依循上述定位狀況,本文認為電子化政府對於公共行政的價值,著重於對實務界需求的回應,以及對建構未來治理模式的準備。最後,本文認為電子化政府這個研究領域,目前「關鍵議題」包括下列四項:1. 電子化政府的研究範圍與方法問題;2. 電子化政府的實際影響效果問題;3. 電子化政府推動的內部組織與外部社會的條件問題;4. 電子化政府與民主概念結合後所可能產生的問題。


In the information age, issues related to electronic government have been one of the focuses in the field of pubic administration, both academically and practically. However, as the issue is in rapid development, significant dialogue between the practical sectors and academic community concerning the topical focuses of future research has not yet begun. In this paper, authors attempt to build the base of this much needed dialogue by connecting e-government and public administration research through utilizing the qualitative meta-analysis method. Browsing through keywords and reviewing abstracts, authors first select a pool of the ”e-government papers” from approximately 7000 articles that had been published in twenty-six public administration related journals (from SSCI) between 1995 and 2004. Authors further categorize these articles into 17 distinct categories. Finally, authors establish connection between the seventeen categories and another fourteen categories in public administration research. The research findings are as follows. First, among all 7000 public administration articles published in the past ten years, only about 1.5% of them are related to the issue of e-government. It is not a big issue in public administration research. Second, these e-government articles are mostly concerning organizational and managerial issues. Based on the research findings, authors conclude with four ”big questions” in the future of e-government research. They are: (1) what are the proper scope and methods for research in e-government? (2) what are the actual effects of e-government reforms on public administration in general? (3) what are the internal/external conditions for promoting e-government reforms? (4) what is the linkage between e-government and democracy?


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