  • 期刊


Towards an Electronic Democracy? Setting up the Indicators for Evaluating the Democratization of the Governmental Websites in Taiwan


二十一世紀政府的挑戰在於如何增進民眾對政府的信任,憑藉資訊科技與網路而發展的電子化政府與政府網站,已被視為提供更有效公共服務與廣泛促進民主參與的重要機制。惟目前既有的文獻,仍多半著重於政府電子化服務與應用層面的探討,相對的,關注於政府網站民主參與潛能的評估調查仍付之闕如,而相關的學術研究亦十分有限。爰此,本文欲進一步探究,目前我國政府網站功能是否有助於民主價值的深化?為回答此一問題。本研究以電子化政府、政府網站與民主相關文獻的分析為基礎,具體發展政府網站功能的民主化評估指標,並將之求證及應用於政府網站內容的評估分析,研究過程中更輔以政府機關人員與學者專家的焦點團體訪談,以提升指標與評估的有效性與適切性,藉以檢證我國中央機關與地方政府網站在資訊公開、互動諮商、與決策制訂三大電子化民主構面的發展現況。 研究發現,我國政府網站的民主化功能,主要處於機關基本資料與政府資訊內容公開化的薄弱民主階段,互動諮商功能則仍處於試誤與摸索期,而涉及政治與法律效果的決策制訂功能則尚未起步。對此一現況,本文更透過理論說法與實證資料之間的對話,進一步探究實務上可能潛在的問題與限制,並據以產生不同的研究與政策意涵。最後,本文建議政府網站功能民主化各評估指標的應用,應依據政府機關之層級與業務的差別、以及技術與行政管理可行性的差異予以區別適用,並分為短、中、長期逐步發展與持續評估,以提升政府網站實踐民主參與的能力與效益。


The government's challenge is how to promote people's trust in the government in the 21st Century. Electronic government and governmental websites have already been considered an important mechanism to offer public service effectively and to extensively promote public participation. However, most existing studies still focus on the government's electronic delivery service. There has been insufficient investigation to assess the democratization of governmental websites. This study is hence concerned about the following research question: Do governmental websites contribute to the promotion of E-democracy? Based on relevant literature of E-democracy and E-government develops indicators to evaluate the democratization of governmental website's functions. Furthermore, we also interviewed public servants and experts in order to improve the validity of the indicators and the evaluation. Our purpose is to examine the democratization of central and local government websites, especially in the following three aspects: e-information, e-consultation, e-decision making. Findings of research reveal that the democratization of governmental websites are still at the 'Thin Democracy' stage, which means governments mainly focus on the transparency of government information. Comparatively, e-consultation is quite lacking, and e-decision making has never appeared. Finally, we propose that the application of these indicators should be according to different levels and different businesses of governmental organizations. These indicators can be divided into the short, medium, and long term plans to develop and evaluate governmental websites. Moreover, they can promote the realization of governmental website democratization of Taiwan in the future.


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